
T I N C T U R E    B O X    S E T


We’ve put together a beautiful set of native tinctures that offer a powerhouse of concentrated rongoā goodness. 


C O N T A I N S :


* Kūmarahou Tincture 25ml

* Tātarāmoa Tincture 25ml

* Kawakawa Tincture 25ml

* Kohekohe Tincture 25ml

* Angiangi Tincture 25ml


Individually these tinctures would cost $140 - this boxed set is great value at $110, saving you $30.



K Ū M A R A H O U    T I N C T U R E


Kūmarahou (Pomaderris kumeraho) assists liver and kidney function and helps your body to naturally detox, as well as providing relief from cold and flu symptoms because of its role as an anti-inflammatory of the trachea.



T Ā T A R Ā M O A    T I N C T U R E


Tātarāmoa (Rubus cissoides) is an effective, calming rongoā rakau that works as a relaxant on our nervous system - Tātarāmoa can help us calm our minds when we're feeling anxious, and can enhance our sleep space.



K A W A K A W A    T I N C T U R E


Kawakawa (Piper excelsum) is a powerful, reliable and effective rongoā for treating a multitude of conditions. Taken orally, Kawakawa’s stimulating and rejuvenating properties assist with:


* Digestive problems such as indigestion, cramps and bloating

* Inflammation and infections

* Joint and muscle discomfort

* Internal and external skin conditions

* Circulation

* Chilblains, coughs and colds, bronchitis

* Worm infestations, gonorrhea & syphilis

* General fatigue and lack of energy



A N G I A N G I    T I N C T U R E


Angiangi (Usnea Babarta) has powerful antibacterial, antiviral and antimicrobial properties that effectively treat a wide range of ailments including:


* Sore throats, acute/chronic lung infections

* Bronchitis, pneumonia

* Difficulty breathing, chest pain, fever

* Skin Infections, impurities, blackheads, acne, inflammations, rosacea

* Bladder and vaginal infections

* Weight loss

* Athlete's foot



K O H E K O H E    T I N C T U R E


Kohekohe (Dysoxylum spectabile) works with our wharetangata - she assists with hormonal symptoms, feminine balance, menstration, menopause and PMS. Kohekohe can also help with weight loss and coughs and colds - Kohekohe clears out the lungs.



D O S A G E :


* 5 - 20ml per week or 1⁄4 teaspoon twice daily



P R E C A U T I O N S :


* Do not use during pregnancy or breast feeding - Kohekohe can decreases milk flow.

* If you have a medical condition or take pharmaceutical drugs, please consult your doctor prior to use.

* Please see individual product listings for dosage and precaution information.



D I S C L A I M E R :


The information, instruction and general advice provided on our social media is intended as a general reference for further exploration and is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a known medical condition or if you are pregnant or breast feeding.



