
C O L D   &   F L U   K E T E

Our Cold & Flu Kete is a collection of rongoā made from powerful and effective plant medicine extracts, vitamins and nutrients, designed to heal and boost your physical and mental wellbeing during the cold and flu season.

The rongoā contained in these kete have been well researched and tested and may help reduce the duration and severity of sickness if taken as soon as cold or flu symptoms arise.

Our Cold & Flu Kete is available in 2 sizes for small and large whānau. These kete are a smart and essential investment in your health.

R O N G O A :

* Nettle Extract - 25ml Small / 50ml Large Amber Glass Bottle and Dripper
* Kūmarahou Glycetract - 25ml Small / 50ml Large Amber Glass Bottle and Dripper
* Kawakawa Glycetract - 25ml Small / 50ml Large Amber Glass Bottle and Dripper
* Dandelion Glycetract - 25ml Small / 50ml Large Amber Glass Bottle and Dripper
* Sage and Kavakava Throat Spray – 50ml Glass Bottle and Sprayer
* Nano-Silver Nose Spray – 30ml Amber Glass Bottle and Nasal Sprayer
* Sage, Garlic and Fennel Seed Oxymel – 500ml Small / 1000ml Large Clear Glass Bottle
* Elderberry Syrup – 500ml Small / 1000ml Large Clear Glass Bottle
* Hypericum Extract- 25ml Small / 50ml Large Amber Glass Bottle and Dripper
* Shikimic Tisane – 50gm Bag
* Lypo-spheric Vitamin C – 6x Sachet
* Kawakawa, Thyme, Rosemary Real Salt – 100gm Clear Glass Pot



N E T T L E  E X T R A C T :

Nettle is a nutritious and highly versatile plant that contains natural histamine that can relieve sniffles and seasonal allergies. Nettles are a decongestant and reduce excess mucus.

CONTAINS: Nettle Leaf; Alcohol; Vegetable Glycerine; Distilled Water

K Ū M A R A H O U  G L Y C E T R A C T :

Kūmarahou provides relief from cold and flu symptoms, asthma and other chronic respiratory complaints. Kūmarahou is also a blood purifier, assisting liver and kidney function to support your body to naturally detoxify.

CONTAINS: Kūmarahou Leaf and Flower; Vegetable Glycerine; Distilled Water

K A W A K A W A  G L Y C E T R A C T :

Kawakawa assists with a myriad of conditions including coughs and colds, bronchitis, inflammation and infection, joint and muscle discomfort, internal and external skin conditions, circulation, chilblains, worm infestations, indigestion, general fatigue and lack of energy.

CONTAINS: Kawakawa Leaf, Vegetable Glycerine, Distilled Water

D A N D E L I O N  E X T R A C T :

Dandelion is a readily available rongoā, rich in vitamins A, C and K, antioxidants and minerals that promote a strong immune system. Research suggests Dandelion can help reduce cancer growth, lower cholesterol levels and support liver function, and may be able to completely block viral replication.

CONTAINS: Dandelion (whole plant), Alcohol, Vegetable Glycerine, Water

S A G E & K A V A K A V A  T H R O A T  S P R A Y :

Kavakava’s mild anaesthetic and antibacterial actions provide a numbing effect when sprayed onto the back of your throat. The addition of Sage, Echinacea, Kūmarahou, Mullein and Angiangi Tinctures provide targeted relief within seconds.

CONTAINS: Tinctures of Kavakava, Echinacea, Kūmarahou, Mullein and Angiangi; Sage Infusion.

N A N O – S I L V E R  N O S E  S P R A Y :

Silver has been used for the treatment of medical ailments for over 100 years due to its natural antibacterial and antifungal properties. Research shows that using nano-silver combined with Vitamin C, can help reduce any viral load and potential ability of a virus to gain traction.

Nano silver particles have extremely large surface areas which increase their contact with bacteria or fungi, vastly improving its effectiveness. When nano-silver comes into contact with bacteria and fungus, it inhibits the multiplication and growth of those bacteria and fungi which cause infection.

CONTAINS: Nano-Silver, Distilled Water

S A G E , G A R L I C & F E N N E L  S E E D  O X Y M E L :

An Oxymel will enable the expectoration of excess phlegm from the lungs and respiratory tract, opening the airways and making breathing easier.

Our Sage, Garlic & Fennel Seed Oxymel is a sweet and sour mixture that can be used as a gargle, swallowed in full strength or diluted for throat and nasal conditions.

CONTAINS: Apple Cider Vinegar, Dried Sage Leaves, Garlic, Fennel Seed, Local Honey


E L D E R B E R R Y  S Y R U P :

Elderberries contain vitamins A, B, and C and complex sugars that support the immune system in fighting colds and flu. Research has found that Elderberry disarms the enzyme viruses use to penetrate healthy cells in the lining of the nose and throat. Taken before infection, it prevents infection; taken after infection, it prevents the spread of the virus through the respiratory tract.

Our Elderberry syrup is an immune-supporting superstar with synergistic herbs including cinnamon and kawakawa and raw honey for an extra immune boost.

CONTAINS: Elderberry, Marshmallow Root, Kawakawa, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Wai, Honey, Glycerine

H Y P E R I C U M  E X T R A C T :

Hypericum Perforatum is a versatile and accessible rongoā, that can boost mood levels and provide relief from depression and anxiety. Hypericum treats envelope v's and current research suggests Hypericum may counteract the pro‐inflammatory effects of various cytokines.

CONTAINS: Hypericum Flower and Leaf, Alcohol, Vegetable Glycerine, Water

S H I K I M I C  T I S A N E :

Shikimic acid has been used in Chinese medicine for 5,000 years and has antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties that may assist with halting v's and clots, neutralising spike protein and fighting cancer.

CONTAINS: Pine Needles, Star Anise, Kawakawa, Fennel Seed, Lemon Balm, Nettle and Elderberry.

L Y P O – S P H E R I C  V I T A M I N C :

LivOn's patented Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C is an absolute must in your wellness kete – our whānau kaumatua have been taking these sachets daily since last year, and remain well. Lypo-Spheric Vitamin C NZ ranks among the best vitamin C supplements on the NZ market.

Within minutes of taking Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C, liposomes filled with Vitamin C are transported directly into the bloodstream, and into the cells.

These sachets are for the purpose of sampling this product; larger quantities can be purchased via online pharmacies.

K A W A K A W A , T H Y M E & R O S E M A R Y
R E A L S A L T  P O T :

Real Salt is sea salt harvested from an ancient deposit near Redmond, Utah - unrefined, ancient sea salt with a subtle, sweet flavour unlike any other salt on earth.

Combined with Kawakawa, Thyme and Rosemary, we have created a tasty table salt ready to elevate your kai.

P R O T O C O L :

Our Cold and Flu Kete includes individual product information and instruction, and a protocol developed by functioning practitioners.

Please note the information contained in this protocol does not replace the advice of your primary healthcare provider.

